November 9, 2005


Hello cyberspace,
This is my first blog entry on my first blog ever. woohooo! I have now entered the world of online publishing. What revolutionary technology! What democratic empowerment!
What mastubation.
Whoever's out there in blog-land, I resignedly join your ranks. I always thought having a blog was sort of presumptuous. If I just wanted a diary or journal for myself, there'd be no need to put it online. If I wanted to stay in contact with friends, I'd just call them on the phone. I guess there's a bit of showiness in us all, thinking that what we write is stimulating or witty enough that other people would hold up part of their day to read it.
Why would I want such satisfaction? I mean, I see my name every once in a while in the byline of a newspaper article; it's not like I'm new to information dissemination.

I think it's partly to give myself a new outlet for what George Carlin calls brain droppings. To perhaps punt around ideas for stories. and actually now that I think about it, to practice writing. Supposedly I'm a writer. Or at least I use words in my job.

In truth, I've been meaning to start a blog for a while. What held me up? I couldn't think of a name. Really, I could have started one up years ago if I had the right name. It's like getting a tattoo- I suppose I would get one if I knew what the hell I could choose that I wouldn't kick myself in the head for 50 years later. Yes, I know, a blog could be as temporary as the neurons in one's head after a night sparring with Mssrs. Jack and Jin. I guess I'm a little neurotic.

I had settled on "Cognitive dissonance" but somebody already took it. I liked cognitive dissonance in a pop-psychology kind of way. It has to do with resolving sets of conflicting beliefs in one's head. But I also like the word "dissonance" for its purpose in music. More on that at some later time.

Anyway, this first post is getting long enough.
I suppose I've reconciled my desire to have a blog with my previous scorn of bloggers and blogging.

You see, cognitive dissonance would have been perfect.


Nick said...

Going to have to bookmark this, since I never spell "dissonance" right the first time. Of course, spelling that word should be obvious to even the most dim-witted individual who happens to hold an advanced degree in hyperbolic topology. (Guh-high)

May you and your blog have many wacky adventures, hopefully including gator wrasslin' (because what else is there to do in Florida?).

CY said...

When you say wacky adventures the movie scene comes to mind from "Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle" when Kumar marries the sack o' weed and dances thru fields.
Not like I dream about gigantic bags of ganja.